Continuing Education


Continuing Education

AI-powered services that offer personalized continuing education activities for busy professionals.

How It Works

Elevate lifelong learning

Innovative tech for seamless CE compliance and professional growth.


Launch your bespoke native mobile and web app with white-labeled branding and individualized content specific to learner’s professional specialty.


Build your knowledge graph to generate unlimited continuing education (CE) activities and exercises including articles, podcasts, videos, and other media.


Enhance your learning experience through a personalized learning management system.


Train agents to personalize continuing education activities, including generating them from source videos podcasts, and articles.

Continuing Education
Continuing Education

Key Metrics

Continuous education on autopilot

From physicians to pilots, Memorang provides an integrated app solution that keeps busy professionals up to date on what they need for their career. Transform your journal into an AI first experience that's personalized to every subscriber, automatically generates CE/CME-compliant lessons. Join organizations like The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery to empower professionals for the AI era.

Average app rating
4.9 ☆
Reduced GTM costs

Your AI stack for education

Harness your knowledge. Build in days. Launch everywhere